I honestly don't get the whole "feet" thing.
Especially after watching the news last night.
Mayor Villawhatever and a bunch of city councilmen were washing the feet of the homeless.
I'm sorry, but... ewwwwwww.
I mean, I'm not crazy about feet in general, but homeless people feet?
Don't get me wrong, what the mayor and those guys did was a wonderful, decent, charitable thing.
But still... ewwwwwwwww.
I mean, not only must their feet stink like rotting cabbage and old cheese, but half of those homeless guys have gotta be diabetic. Which means their feet are covered with open sores, ulcers, pustules, gangrene and crap.
Ugh. And they all have those jagged, thick, yellow, fungusy toenails that look like they could slice your throat open with one good kick. Scary.
I don't mean to be mean. I do feel sorry for those people. I just have a hypersensitive Ick Factor.
According to what the news said, this is something the mayor and city council do every Good Friday.
... oh, shit.
Yesterday WAS Good Friday, wasn't it?
And I spent the whole night working on the site.
I'm for sure going to whatever Hell they reserve for L'eggs-clad dildo lickers who peddle internet sleaze on the day Jesus died.
I'm going to have to go to EVERY Easter mass tomorrow. Including the Spanish one.
And say about a bajillion rosaries between now and then.
God damn it.
I suppose I should stop taking The Lord's name in vain, too. But one thing at a time.
Love you! See you all soon!
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